Getting/Keeping Church Kids
All the little topics we’ve been looking at won’t do much unless we apply some accountability to them. We are supposed to be good stewards of what God gives us, whether it’s funds, resources, information, or computer junk.
See if this helps… Long ago I invented a term to go along with my resources I’ve written for over 25 years. The term is an acrostic, it’s SpaceGate©. It stands for Students Promoting Accountability in Computing and Evangelism. Gate is God Applauds Tech Evangelism.
SpaceGate emphasizes the ACCOUNTABILITY that comes with evangelism along side computing.
What that indicates is the need to have Church Computer Fairs with exhibits, and all the same things you expect at a school science fair. Once your youth have participated in a church computer fair they are then ready to begin having their own Backyard Missions events.
Its importance of that is to plant seeds in our youth that grow burdens for missions. Our computer club had a blast making some kits we sent to a missionary in